Why it is better to encourage than to praise or reward our children

by Iraida Popud
reward our children

Encouragement is a way to motivate and guide our children in their personal development. It is a tool that allows us to boost their self-esteem, foster their autonomy and strengthen their self-confidence. In this article, we will explore why encouraging is better than praising or rewarding our children, and how we can apply this strategy in raising our children.

The power of encouragement in personal growth

One of the main benefits of encouraging our children is that it helps them develop a growth mindset. By encouraging them to strive, persist, and overcome obstacles, we teach them that effort and dedication are more important than end results. This allows them to face new challenges with courage and resilience.

Encouragement also promotes self-confidence. When our children receive our unconditional support and words of encouragement, they feel safe and capable of facing any situation. Encouragement helps them develop a positive self-image and recognize their own strengths and abilities.

Another important aspect of encouragement is that it fosters autonomy. Instead of relying on external approval or rewards, our children learn to rely on themselves and make decisions based on their own values ​​and goals. Encouragement gives them the confidence to explore new areas of interest, take on responsibilities, and take calculated risks.

Encouragement versus praise and rewards

While praise and rewards can also have a positive impact on our children, encouragement has some distinct advantages. While praise and rewards tend to focus on end results, encouragement focuses on the process and effort put forth.

Furthermore, praise and rewards can create a fixed ego mindset in our children. If we only praise or reward their achievements, we run the risk of them associating their self-worth solely with external results. This can lead them to avoid challenges out of fear of failure and to constantly seek approval and validation from others.

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On the other hand, encouragement promotes a growth mindset. By focusing on effort and perseverance, we teach our children that it’s not the outcome that matters, but rather the attitude and learning they gain along the way. This helps them face challenges with courage and learn from their mistakes instead of seeing them as failures.

Keys to encouraging our children

If we want to encourage our children effectively, it is important to keep in mind some key points:

1. Recognize the effort:

Instead of praising the end results, it is important to acknowledge the effort and persistence our children have shown. We can say things like, “I am proud of you for trying again and again,” or “I am impressed by your determination to overcome obstacles.” This shows them that we value their effort and encourages them to keep going.

2. Encourage exploration:

Encouragement also involves fostering curiosity and exploration in our children. We encourage them to try new things, acquire new skills, and discover their own interests. We can support them in their quest for knowledge and provide them with resources and opportunities so they can develop their talents and passions.

3. Provide emotional support:

Encouragement doesn’t just involve words of encouragement, but also emotional support. It’s important to show empathy and understanding in the face of the challenges and difficulties our children face. We provide them with a safe space to express their emotions and validate their experiences. This helps them develop greater emotional resilience and face challenges with confidence.

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The long-term benefits of fresh breath

Encouragement not only has immediate benefits on our children’s personal development, but it also has long-term effects. By encouraging our children, we are giving them tools to face life’s challenges and develop self-regulation skills.

Furthermore, encouragement promotes a close and loving relationship between parents and children. When our children feel that we support them unconditionally, they feel safe and confident in sharing their triumphs and failures with us. This strengthens the family bond and promotes effective communication.

In conclusion, encouraging our children is an effective strategy to motivate their personal growth. Encouragement helps them develop a growth mindset, strengthen their self-confidence, and foster their autonomy. Through encouragement, we provide them with the emotional support and guidance needed to face life’s challenges with courage and resilience. So next time, instead of just praising or rewarding our children, let’s remember the importance of encouraging them on their path to success.

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