How can I help my children with their homework?

by Iraida Popud
children with their homework?

Many parents today are wondering how they can help their children with their schoolwork. The task of helping with schoolwork can be a challenge, especially at a time when parents have multiple responsibilities and little time available. However, there are strategies and tools that can make this task easier and contribute to children’s academic success.

The importance of establishing routines

One of the most effective ways to help children with their homework is by establishing routines. It is essential that children have a set schedule for completing their homework, as this will allow them to be more organized and focused. In addition, routines teach children to be responsible and autonomous, skills that will be useful in their academic and personal lives.

To establish routines, it is advisable to set a specific time for doing homework. It can be after snack time, before dinner or any other time that works best for the family. In addition, it is important to create an environment conducive to studying, with a table, chair and good lighting. It is essential to avoid distractions, such as television or electronic devices.

Tip: It is useful to take short breaks within the routine so that children do not get exhausted and can concentrate better. It is also important to accompany them and be available to answer their questions or provide support if they need it.

Set clear goals and objectives

Another important aspect of helping children with homework is to help them set clear goals and objectives. This will allow them to focus on what they need to accomplish and will give them motivation to do so. It will also help them understand that homework is not just another chore, but that it has a purpose and meaning.

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Setting clear goals requires that parents and children sit down together and define what is expected to be accomplished with homework. They can set short-term goals, such as completing a specific assignment, and long-term goals, such as improving in certain academic areas. It is important that these goals are realistic and attainable.

Tip: Parents are encouraged to praise and celebrate their children’s achievements, no matter how small. This will give them motivation and self-confidence.

Promote autonomy and responsibility

One of the most important skills children can develop is autonomy. When parents help their children excessively with their homework, they take away the opportunity to learn and be independent. Therefore, it is essential to promote autonomy and responsibility in studying.

One way to promote autonomy is to allow children to do tasks on their own, even when they make mistakes. Mistakes are part of learning and can be opportunities to reflect and improve. In addition, it is recommended that parents do not do homework for their children, as this does not benefit them in the long term and can create dependency.

Tip: Parents are encouraged to monitor their children’s work in a moderate manner, without intervening excessively. This gives them security and confidence, but at the same time allows them to make decisions for themselves.

Find resources and additional support

If parents feel they need more tools or knowledge to help their children with their homework, there are additional resources and supports that can be helpful. Today, there are numerous websites, mobile apps, and online tutorials that provide information and activities to reinforce children’s knowledge.

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Parents can also seek support from the school. It is advisable to contact teachers and ask them what resources or strategies they can use at home to reinforce what they have learned in class. Teachers often have specific suggestions and materials that can complement the work at home.

Tip: It is important to remember that every child is unique and what works for one may not work for another. It is essential to adapt strategies and resources to the individual needs of each child.

Create a positive and motivating environment

Last but not least, it is essential to create a positive and motivating environment regarding homework. Homework should not be perceived as a tedious obligation, but rather as an opportunity to learn and grow.

To create a positive environment, parents can praise their children’s efforts and achievements, show interest in what they are doing, and provide emotional support. It is also important to foster a love of learning by finding activities and materials that are interesting and engaging for children.

Tip: Parents are encouraged to network with other parents and share experiences, tips and resources. This can be especially helpful during times of difficulty or demotivation.


Helping children with homework can be a challenge, but with the right strategies, it can be a rewarding experience for both parents and children. Establishing routines, promoting autonomy, seeking out complementary resources, and creating a positive environment are some of the keys to helping children develop their academic potential and achieve success.

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