How to apply for an Erasmus scholarship

by Iraida Popud
Erasmus scholarship

The Erasmus scholarship is one of the most valuable opportunities for university students to enrich their academic and cultural education in Europe. This program offers the possibility of studying at a foreign university for a semester or a year, with all expenses covered by the scholarship. However, applying for an Erasmus scholarship can be a complex and competitive process that requires good planning and preparation. In this article, we will present a practical guide on how to apply for an Erasmus scholarship, from the requirements and deadlines to the best strategies to stand out in the selection process. If you are interested in taking advantage of this unique opportunity to broaden your academic and cultural horizons, read on to learn all the details.

Foolproof tips for getting an Erasmus scholarship: what should you do?

If you are interested in studying abroad, an Erasmus scholarship could be the perfect solution for you. But how can you make sure you get one of these scholarships? Here are some surefire tips that will help you get an Erasmus scholarship.

1. Research the available options

Before you start applying for scholarships, it’s important to research the options available to you. Find out which universities offer Erasmus programmes and what requirements you need to meet to apply for them. It’s also important to research the different types of scholarships available and which one best suits your needs.

2. Prepare a good application

One of the keys to landing an Erasmus grant is submitting a strong application . Make sure you carefully review the application requirements and include all the necessary information. It is also important that you submit a strong and convincing motivation letter that shows your interest in the program and your ability to make the most of it.

3. Maintain good grades

Erasmus scholarships usually have quite high qualification requirements, so it is important that you maintain good grades throughout your studies. In addition, having a good academic record can be a determining factor in the selection of candidates for the scholarship.

4. Learn another language

One of the advantages of Erasmus scholarships is that they allow you to study in another country and learn a new language. However, it is important that you master at least one foreign language before applying for the scholarship. If you already speak another language, consider taking additional courses to improve your language skills.

5. Look for references

If you have references from previous professors or employers who can attest to your academic or professional ability, please include them in your application. References can help support your candidacy and highlight your strengths as a student.

6. Be original

Finally, remember that competition for Erasmus scholarships can be high, so it’s important to stand out in some way. Instead of sending a generic application, try to be creative and come up with original ideas that show your interest and passion for the programme.

By following these tips, you will be on the right path to obtaining an Erasmus scholarship and having a unique and enriching educational experience abroad.

Find out who is eligible for the Erasmus scholarship: Requirements and conditions

If you are interested in studying abroad, the Erasmus scholarship may be an excellent option for you. This scholarship allows you to study at a university in another European country, while receiving financial support to cover your accommodation, transportation and living expenses.

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However, not everyone can access this scholarship. Below, we tell you what the requirements and conditions are to be eligible:

1. Being a university student

To apply for an Erasmus grant, you must be a university student. This means that you must be enrolled at a university and be pursuing undergraduate or postgraduate studies.

2. Be in an exchange program

The Erasmus scholarship is intended for students who participate in an exchange program with a foreign university. Therefore, it is necessary that your university has agreements with other European educational institutions.

3. Have a good academic record

The selection of candidates for an Erasmus scholarship is largely based on academic performance. Therefore, it is important to have a good academic record and demonstrate a commitment to studies.

4. Know the language of the destination country

It is necessary to have a basic knowledge of the language of the destination country, as this will allow you to better adapt to life abroad and make the most of the experience.

5. Meet mobility requirements

The Erasmus scholarship is intended to encourage the mobility of European students. Therefore, it is necessary to meet the established mobility requirements, such as having the nationality of a country of the European Union.

If you meet these requirements and conditions, you can apply for the Erasmus scholarship through your university. It is important that you check the specific deadlines and requirements of your university to access this scholarship.

If you meet the requirements and conditions, do not hesitate to apply!

When to apply for Erasmus grants? Complete guide and key dates

If you’re thinking about studying abroad, you’ve probably heard about Erasmus scholarships. These scholarships are a great opportunity to study and live in another country while receiving financial support to do so. But when is the right time to apply for an Erasmus scholarship?

When do applications for Erasmus scholarships open?

Every year, the European Commission publishes an official call for applications for Erasmus scholarships. This usually happens during the month of January or February, although the exact dates may vary depending on the country and university.

It is important to note that each country has a limited number of scholarships available, so it is best to apply as early as possible to increase your chances of obtaining one.

How to apply for an Erasmus scholarship?

To apply for an Erasmus grant, you must follow these steps:

  1. Check if your university participates in the Erasmus programme and what the specific requirements are for your university.
  2. Find information about partner universities abroad and select the ones that interest you.
  3. Please contact your university’s international mobility coordinator for more information on application requirements and deadlines.
  4. Prepare the necessary documentation, which may include a motivation letter, a transcript, and a letter of recommendation.
  5. Submit your application before the deadline set by your university.

It’s important to remember that the application process may vary by university and country, so be sure to follow your university’s specific instructions.

Key dates for Erasmus scholarships

To help you plan your Erasmus scholarship application, here are some key dates to keep in mind:

  • Official call from the European Commission: January or February.
  • Application deadline for your university: This can vary by university, but is usually between March and April.
  • Deadline for receiving confirmation from the host university: may vary depending on the university, but is usually between May and June.
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Please note that although these dates are general, they may vary by country and university, so it is important to check with your university for exact dates.


Applying for an Erasmus grant may seem like a complicated process, but by following the right steps and paying attention to key dates, you can do it without any problems. Remember that this is a unique experience that will allow you to study and live in another country while receiving financial support, so don’t hesitate to apply for an Erasmus grant!

Who can apply for an Erasmus grant? Requirements and conditions

If you are interested in studying abroad and want to know the details of how to apply for an Erasmus scholarship, it is important that you know the requirements and conditions that you must meet. In this sense, the Erasmus scholarship is aimed at university students who wish to carry out part of their studies in another European country.

The main requirements to apply for an Erasmus scholarship are:

  • Be a university student enrolled in a European educational institution.
  • Be at least 18 years old.
  • Having passed the first year of university studies.
  • Have a good academic record.
  • Have an adequate level of the language of the destination country.

In addition to these requirements, it is important to take into account the following conditions:

  • The duration of stay in the destination country must be at least 3 months and a maximum of one full academic year.
  • The study program carried out in the destination country must be recognized by the educational institution of origin.
  • The student must obtain approval from his/her educational institution to participate in the Erasmus programme.
  • The student must sign a study agreement with the destination educational institution and with his/her educational institution of origin.

It is important to remember that each country and each educational institution may have specific requirements and procedures, so it is advisable to consult with the international relations office of your educational institution for more detailed information on how to apply for an Erasmus scholarship.

In short, applying for an Erasmus scholarship can be a long and complex process, but the benefits to be gained are countless. An international experience will not only allow you to enrich your academic training, but it will also help you improve your social, cultural and even work skills. In addition, you will have the opportunity to meet new people, explore interesting places and immerse yourself in a different culture. Therefore, if you are interested in applying for an Erasmus scholarship, we recommend that you do your research, plan ahead and work hard to secure this unique opportunity for learning and personal growth.
In short, applying for an Erasmus scholarship can be a long and complex process, but with proper planning and preparation, it can be a rewarding and enriching experience. It is important to research the application requirements and deadlines of each university and country, and prepare a complete and compelling application that highlights your skills and motivations in order to make the most of this study abroad opportunity. In addition, it is important to be willing to adapt to new cultures and environments, and make the most of the learning and personal growth opportunities that the Erasmus experience offers.

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