HomeStudy techniquesThe Pomodoro Technique | A Solution for Procrastination 

The Pomodoro Technique | A Solution for Procrastination 

When exams are around the corner we get overwhelmed. We are not sure where to begin and there’s too much material for the few days we have left. In addition to this, we have to combine studying with work or other activities, which makes this time more complicated. We propose a solution so that you can learn to manage your time and get the most out of your study: use the Pomodoro technique. Let’s explore the magic and results of this technique.

What is the Pomodoro Technique?

In today’s work environment, which is increasingly full of multitasking profiles and distractions of all kinds, increasing levels of concentration and effectiveness is one of the main concerns that staff have. Luckily, there are many alternatives, such as the Pomodoro technique, that allow you to improve concentration and efficiency at work. 

This approach, developed by Francesco Cirillo in the 1980s, has become a popular resource in recent years. If you want to find out how it works and the different types of Pomodoro methods that exist, keep reading! Below, we tell you everything you need to know about this practical method.

Pomodoro Method

The Pomodoro technique is a method that consists of carrying out study cycles that are structured as follows:

This is a technique that has been divided into five phases. By following this scheme, students from all over the world claim an improvement in their concentration and, therefore, in their results.

  • The first step is to choose the easiest task to complete within your projects. Imagine that you want to do a research paper or need to better prepare for an exam. For example, first, try to structure its parts and look for some bibliography or better structure the notes you have on the subject.
  • Now time comes into play. Find a clock, stopwatch, or timer. However, if possible, avoid using a mobile phone, as this is a device that tends to distract us. Next, set the timer to  25 minutes.
  • During those 25 minutes, you will be working or studying that task thoroughly. For this reason, the most important thing about this method is to work on concentration. It is a relatively short period of time, so you should make the most of it and avoid any possible distractions. Your goal becomes to complete that relatively simple task.
  • After having worked intensely for those 25 minutes, you deserve a short  5-minute break. As Cirillo said, it is easier to finish small tasks in chunks of time.
  • Finally, you will repeat this cycle as many times as you need throughout the day. However, at the end of the quarter, the break has to be longer. Take between  20 and 40 minutes, depending on the specifics of your project.

As you can see, this dynamic aims to optimize time as much as possible. Sometimes we get confused when faced with a big challenge, so the important thing is to structure time well and complete it little by little.

Types of Pomodoro methods 

The traditional version of the Pomodoro technique consists of working for 25 minutes followed by a 5-minute break. However, there are several variations and adaptations that you can try to find the one that best suits your work style since every mind works differently. These are the most commonly used types of Pomodoro methods:

Long Pomodoro: This alternative involves working for 50 minutes, followed by a 10-minute break. This variant is ideal for tasks that require longer periods of concentration or for people who have a greater ability to concentrate.

Ultra-Pomodoro: This approach involves working for 60 or 90 minutes and then taking a longer break of 20 or 30 minutes. 

Flexible Pomodoro: When we talk about flexible pomodoro, we are referring to the adaptation of the method to each task. That is, choosing the duration of the Pomodoro based on the needs of the task and adjusting the breaks accordingly.

As you can see, the Pomodoro technique is a tool that can be adapted to each type of task and circumstance. In any case, it is an effective tool to increase productivity and improve concentration at work. So, if you suffer from distractions during your workday, do not hesitate to implement this method! Sooner rather than later, you will surely find a time slot that will help you concentrate better.

Advantages of the Pomodoro technique

It is easy to implement

To start using this technique, all you need to do is set the timer on your mobile phone (or any other phone you have). It’s not just useful for studying or working, but also for more everyday activities like doing housework.

Promotes concentration and creativity

This method allows you to take advantage of your peak productivity period thanks to improved concentration. There is also an increase in creativity, as you are more focused and excited about working. It also helps you to better understand your schedule and determine when it is easiest for you to work.

Eliminate procrastination little by little

In an age where we spend all day glued to our phones, the Pomodoro technique is really useful, as it focuses on putting aside all kinds of distractions for 25 minutes. This means not checking any emails or social media during that time. The goal of the intervals is to get completely focused on the activity you need to do at that moment. Managing to put aside these distractions that fill us with stimuli will make our day much more productive.

It leads you to have great ideas

By being organized and focused on what we have to do, our minds can think more clearly, which translates into generating brilliant ideas. You can also dedicate your breaks to meditating or doing breathing exercises. All of this together will allow you to be more creative and do better projects for class.

Disadvantages of the Pomodoro technique

Like any method, apart from having multiple benefits, the Pomodoro also has some difficulties that must be taken into account before applying it.

  1. Rigidity in times

Some people have a longer concentration span and prefer to study for longer periods of time, without interruptions, or they have little time. This means that they cannot afford to be worried about whether or not to complete this technique. This second part can be solved by doing this work daily or by setting yourself a weekly calendar.

     2. Promotes concentration and creativity

To apply this technique well, it is important to have a quiet study or work environment where there are no distractions or noises that can interrupt our study during the “Pomodoro”.

Benefits of the Pomodoro Technique for an Undergraduate Student

The Pomodoro technique can be very beneficial for undergraduate students. Here are 6 benefits you can gain from using this technique:

Improves concentration: By working in short, focused intervals, you increase your ability to concentrate and avoid distractions.

Increase productivity: You can cover most of your syllabus in less time which enhances your productivity.

Reduce stress: By taking regular breaks, you reduce the stress and mental fatigue associated with prolonged studying.

Improve time management: You plan your time better and make sure you complete your tasks on time.

Build discipline: By following a set schedule and routine, you develop greater discipline and healthier study habits.

Helps you retain information: With regular breaks, you improve your ability to retain information and remember what you have learned.

Best Apps for the Pomodoro Technique

Popular apps: 

The following apps will help you implement the Pomodoro technique.

  • Focus Booster
  • Toggl, Forest 
  • Pomodone
  • Pomodoro Tracker

These tools will help increase productivity. Besides these, you can also use a simple timer for monitoring.


Is the Pomodoro Technique Effective?

Yes, many students find the Pomodoro technique effective for studying. This is because it breaks down study time into short intervals, helping in managing time.

Does the Pomodoro Technique Improve Productivity?

Yes, the Pomodoro technique helps maintain focus, reduces procrastination, and encourages consistent work with regular breaks.

Can you customize the Pomodoro Technique?

Yes, you can customize the Pomodoro technique according to your needs. The length of the timer can be set based on your focus span, such as 20 or 30 minutes.


Pomodoro is, without a doubt, the technique that has helped me the most to improve my productivity and my mood at work. I encourage you to try Pomodoro or Pomodoro Extended and see how it affects your work. At first, it will be difficult to get used to strictly marking out work periods, but once you get into the habit, you will see the virtues of this technique.

The Pomodoro Practice will help you to know how far you can go. Maybe you were afraid of studying a topic because you imagined it would take too long. However, with constant and concentrated work, you will reduce the time spent on this task thanks to the Pomodoro technique for studying.



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