What should I study if I want to work in HR?

by Iraida Popud

The Human Resources Department (HR) is a fundamental part of any company or organization, as it is responsible for managing human talent and ensuring that the organization’s objectives are met. If you are a person interested in working in HR, it is important that you know the skills and knowledge necessary to develop in this area.

In this guide, we’ll introduce you to the key topics and skills you need to study if you want to work in HR. From talent management and personnel administration to negotiation and conflict resolution, you’ll learn the skills needed to be a successful professional in this field. Plus, we’ll show you how you can develop these skills and knowledge through academic programs, courses, certifications, and work experience. Let’s get started!

Complete guide on what to study to start a career in Human Resources

If you are interested in starting a career in Human Resources, it is important to know what to study in order to excel in this field. HR professionals are responsible for managing talent and staff in a company, so it is essential to have adequate training.

University studies in Human Resources

The first thing you should consider is pursuing a university degree related to Human Resources. There are various options, such as a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration with a specialization in Human Resources, a Bachelor’s Degree in Organizational Psychology, or a Bachelor’s Degree in Labor Relations and Human Resources.

In these courses, you will learn about personnel management, employee selection and hiring, employee training and development, salary and benefits administration, and labor dispute resolution.

HR specialization courses

Once you have completed your undergraduate studies, you may consider taking Human Resources specialization courses to deepen your knowledge in specific areas. Some options may include courses on leadership, change management, performance evaluation, among others.

Masters in Human Resources

If you are interested in continuing your academic training, you may consider pursuing a Master’s in Human Resources. These programs will allow you to further specialize in the field of talent management and will give you tools to lead teams and make strategic decisions.

Work experience in HR

In addition to academic training, it is important to have work experience in the area of ​​Human Resources. You can look for internships or part-time jobs while you study, or look for employment in companies that offer growth opportunities in the area of ​​HR.

Remember that this is a profession in constant evolution, so it is important to stay up to date and constantly learning.

Discover the studies required to work in Human Resources

If you are interested in working in the Human Resources area, it is important that you know the studies required to be able to access a job in this field of work.

Academic background

The first thing you need to know is that to work in HR you need to have an academic background in areas such as administration, psychology, labor law, human resources or business management. These degrees will provide you with the necessary knowledge to be able to work in this field.

Nowadays, there are many universities and training centres that offer undergraduate, postgraduate or specialised courses in Human Resources. The choice will depend on your interests and needs, as well as the academic offerings available in your area.

Skills and competencies

In addition to academic training, to work in HR it is necessary to have certain skills and competencies that allow you to carry out your functions effectively. Some of these skills are:

  • Communication: It is essential to know how to communicate effectively with other members of the organization.
  • Negotiation: On many occasions, you will have to negotiate with employees or union representatives.
  • Conflict resolution: It is important to have the ability to resolve conflicts that may arise in the company.
  • Analytical skills: you need to be able to analyze data and information to make informed decisions.
  • Leadership: In some cases, you will have to lead work teams and make important decisions.
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Work experience

Finally, it is important to note that work experience is also a fundamental requirement for working in Human Resources. Many companies look for employees with previous experience in the area, whether through internships, temporary jobs or previous employment.

If you don’t have any work experience in HR, a good option is to start by working in other areas of the company, such as administration or customer service, and then gain experience in Human Resources as you advance in your professional career.

If you meet these requirements, you will be able to access a wide variety of jobs in this field.

Discover the best university degree to work in Human Resources

If you are interested in working in the Human Resources field, you are probably wondering: What should I study to be able to do so? The answer is simple: a university degree related to this area.

Nowadays, there are various options for studying in the field of Human Resources, and they all have something in common: they will provide you with the necessary tools to develop yourself in the workplace.

Business Administration

Business Administration is one of the most popular and sought-after courses for those who want to work in Human Resources. This is because, throughout the course, subjects related to personnel management, business organization and decision-making are studied.


Another degree that can be very useful for working in Human Resources is Psychology. In this degree, subjects related to human behavior, motivation and communication, among others, are studied. All of these subjects are essential to be able to understand and manage a company’s staff.

Labor Relations

The Labor Relations degree is another very interesting option for those who want to work in Human Resources. In this degree, subjects related to labor legislation, collective bargaining and the resolution of labor conflicts are studied. All of this knowledge is very valuable for working in the Human Resources area.


Although it may seem like an unusual choice, a Marketing degree can also be very useful for working in Human Resources. In this degree, subjects related to communication, advertising and market research are studied. All of this knowledge can be very useful for designing internal and external communication strategies for a company.

The most important thing is that you choose the career that best suits your interests and skills, and that gives you the necessary tools to develop in the workplace.

Complete guide: Studies required to work in Human Resources

If you are interested in working in Human Resources, it is important to know that there are various studies that can help you develop the skills and knowledge necessary to perform successfully in this field. In this complete guide, we explain everything you need to know about the studies required to work in Human Resources .

University studies

One of the most common paths to working in HR is through university studies . In this sense, there are various careers that can be of great help to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to perform in this field:

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration : This degree offers comprehensive training in the business field, including areas such as human resources management.
  • Bachelor of Psychology : This degree focuses on the study of human behavior, which is essential to understand and manage human capital in an organization.
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Relations : This degree is specific to the field of human resources, and offers comprehensive training in areas such as talent management, collective bargaining and labor legislation.
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It is important to note that although these university studies can be of great help in working in HR, they are not the only possible paths. Many people have managed to develop a successful career in this field without having completed a university degree. Below, we explain other options:

Specializations in Human Resources

If you already have a university degree and want to specialize in HR, there are various specialization options that can be of great help:

  • Master in Human Resources : This option offers comprehensive and specialized training in areas such as talent management, compensation and benefits, personnel administration, and labor legislation.
  • Diplomas in Human Resources : These programs offer shorter, more specific training in areas such as staff selection, performance management, and training and development.

Courses and certifications

Another option for working in HR is through field-specific courses and certifications . These programs can be a great help in developing specific skills and knowledge, and are usually shorter in duration than college studies or specializations. Some examples of HR courses and certifications include:

  • Human Resources Certification : Offered by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), this certification certifies knowledge in areas such as talent management, compensation and benefits, and personnel administration.
  • Courses in personnel selection : these courses focus on teaching techniques and tools to carry out effective personnel selection processes.
  • Performance Management Courses : These courses focus on teaching techniques and tools to carry out effective performance management processes.

Whether you choose a college degree, a specialization, or specific courses and certifications, the important thing is to educate yourself and stay up to date on the latest trends and practices in the field of human resources.

In conclusion, if you are interested in working in the Human Resources sector, you must have a solid background in areas such as psychology, labor law, business administration, and communication. In addition, it is important that you are constantly updating and training yourself, since the world of HR is constantly evolving. Do not forget to develop skills such as empathy, problem solving, and the ability to work in a team, since they will be essential to succeed in this field. By following these tips, you will be prepared to face the challenges of the working world and contribute to the development of companies.
If you want to work in the Human Resources area, it is important that you study a career related to social or business sciences. Some options are a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology, Business Administration, Labor Relations, or Human Resources. It is also recommended that you take courses and training in specific areas such as staff selection, training and development, compensation and benefits, among others. In addition, it is essential that you develop soft skills such as the ability to communicate effectively, leadership, conflict resolution, and teamwork. With adequate training and well-developed skills, you will be able to perform successfully in the Human Resources area and contribute to the growth and development of the company.

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